Asylum Escapee Caught – 1923

The following account of an escapee from the Hamilton Asylum for the Insane appeared in the December 22, 1923 edition of The Niagara Falls Gazette. Lorenz Annabold may have found freedom if only he’d had a change of underwear!

“pick up man after he escapes from the asylum at hamilton”

“Strange Actions Arouse Suspicion – Man Is Identified by Asylum Markings”

“Niagara Falls, Ont., Dec. 22 – Lorenz Annabold, 48 years old, an inmate of the Hamilton asylum who escaped was picked up in Stamford yesterday by provincial police officers. He had been wandering around the district for a few days and his actions aroused suspicion. The ward number on his undergarments led to discovery of his identity. He was returned to the asylum last night.”

December 22, 1923 – The Niagara Falls Gazette.

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